

One of my favorite areas in Heilbronn, Wartberg.

The whole vineyards area is a great place to walk, run, spend some time taking the sun and have a coffee and cake in the top of the mountain.

The whole year Wartberg gives different postals while the vineyards change through out the seasons. 

During spring and summer, people go up to Wartberg to have a view of the city. The mountain roads are used for cycling and for running. It is a good place to train for the Trollinger Marathon.

In autumn, The green, orange and yellow colors of the leaves give a fantastic view of Wartberg.

As the cold winter arrives, the snow covers up to have a white Wartberg.

Regardless of the year season, Wartberg offers that connection with nature and a peaceful environment. 

Walking towards the eastern side of Wartberg, there is Lemppruhe a almost secret spot to have another seightseeing point of the city.

Map Location

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