One question that might arise to all youngsters is if it worth to study in Heilbronn.
And honestly, when we think about studying in Germany, there are big city names that will come first to our mind such as Munich, Berlin, Frankfurt and Stuttgart.
Obviously, if we compare Heilbronn with bigger cities, there are hundreds of differences, such as more restaurants, clubs, transport facilities and so on, but certainly what made the experience in Heilbronn worth of living there was what it actually has.
Instead on focusing on the “things that are missing and other cities have”, it is better to enjoy the marvelous vineyards that surrounds Heilbronn, the good local restaurants and pubs, and the amazing people you make friends with. And whenever you have the desire of more stores, restaurants and adventures, cities such as Heildeberg, Mannheim, Stuttgart and even Frankfurt are nearby.
So does it really worth to choose Heilbronn as a destination to spend a semester abroad, a whole study program or even also to work and live, yes it does.
Heilbronn is slowly transforming itself and it is well known that major and important factor of that undergoing tranformation is the Schwarz Group.
Owner of Lidl and Kaufland, Dieter Schwarz was born in Heilbronn, and has focused in the last years to further develop his hometown.
The Bildungscampus in Heilbronn is being developed to be home of various educational institutions in the city to be now named a “Universitätsstadt”.
There you can find the Hochschule Heilbronn campus for business & tourism studies, the DHBW which hosts students that mix their trimesters between studies and work, the recent TUM campus Heilbronn focused on engineering, management and innovation, GGS the school of management and law, and specialized institutions such as 42 Heilbronn a programming educational institution and Campus Founders focused on entrepreneurship.
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